“Only a Blur” by Alexander Kravetz


Illustration by A&L Journal Writing Editor and Social Media Chair Aileen Dosev.


Assortment made one, secondaries clear:

The eyes made blind by bridge between---for not

Are the eyes left aligned, save budding tears.

The world austere before the pair, and naught

But rim in sight; though otherwise fair hue

To see: shape, shadow, distance---not quite, quite.

Now, verdant clods and scarlet globs roam blue

Blobs near round; bits of black and grey and white---

No doubt in hereabout. So intermixed

Are wordless books and handless, timeless clocks;

A world of less, vagues galore, gaze affixed

To none. You are the bridge that makes the clots---

The primaries stretched thin---and though some eyes

See through these rims, I fear mine fail descry!


Alexander Kravetz is currently a freshman at the University of Michigan. He is part of the College of Literature, Science, & the Arts, and he is a member of the Lloyd Scholars of Writing and the Arts learning community associated with Alice Lloyd Hall.


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