“forget-me-so-easily” by Gabrielle Tilli


Illustration by Arts and Literary Journal advisor Mitali Sharma.


a pair of socks for the winter

and gloves for the fall

and a sweater for your birthday

and that damned scarf, above all.

a hundred soft things

of a thousand knot rings.

i give love like my grandmother—

in amateur, homemade things.

can’t forget me so easily

if you wear my scarf to your lover’s,

pull her in for a kiss with a hand

that which my yarn covers.

can’t forget me so easily

if you wear my hat to the store,

smile at the squirrels on your lawn,

and wear my socks when you greet her at the door.


Gabrielle Tilli is a freshman here at the University of Michigan.  In her free time, she loves to write and make homemade crafts, especially the wearable kind. She is currently dual majoring in English and psychology.   


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