“a love letter to eighteen” by Wyatt McColough
i hope you wake up to sunshine
streaming in your windows,
illuminating the posters and painted walls
you call home.
i hope your heart is just as light,
safe in the knowledge that
you are safe.
you are safe.
i hope your home is quiet,
that you only hear raindrops -
no clamor,
no cries,
no fear.
i hope you open your windows.
that you let in the sun,
the rain,
the air.
it sticks to your fingertips.
i hope you eat a bagel,
or oatmeal with peanut butter,
or coffee cake,
or apple juice boxes with the wings up.
i hope you walk around topless
because there’s nothing for tops to hide.
do your boxers still fit you?
do you have cool patterned ones yet?
i hope you live with someone you love
and who loves you right back.
it doesn’t have to be romantic,
but you know that already.
i hope you hear your name every day
and it sounds like a lyre on mount olympus,
like a crackling fire,
a carnival in july.
i hope you live.
that every goddamned day you wake up,
you have something to look forward to,
even if that something is just
life itself.
i hope you make it.
Wyatt McColough is a queer, non-binary writer from the Chicago suburbs. You can find them chronically online @dogmotiif on Instagram.