“Over the Railroad Tracks” by Callista Brand

I love this shiny new city

with these wonderful new people away from 

my shitty hometown 

with the Railroad Tracks

with shitty people who I do not miss

Except you. 

I remember meeting at age ten 

we played brother and sister 

in a musical then

and age thirteen 

we got rejected from a choir

but it was fun, as best friends

we didn’t care because we were together.  

and age sixteen together in Europe with

mountains, rivers, trees,

and the shops in Vienna

and restaurants in Zürich 

age seventeen we played newsies together

and eighteen we played significant others 

And graduation day when we sang 

The national anthem, one last time. 

I cannot forget the way you scold if I don't lift my feet

Over the railroad tracks.  

and it was every single time

until I remembered on my own. 

I cannot forget the ice cream cones 

the late night drives

the summers together

before it came to a close. 

and it’s my fault 

this shiny new world

with shiny new people and 

new musicals to join

new choirs to sing in

new ice cream shops to try

New Railroad Tracks. 

and I love this new home

but it’s missing you. 

Callista Brand is a Film major and loves to write creatively in her free time. She enjoys reading and working at an elementary school.


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