“Lake Michigan” by Elle Pugh
Dead Poets Society
My mom has the tape
So I watch the first half
And take a long break
There’s nothing to do here but watch the waves
Constantly refreshing your Facebook page
When Harry Met Sally
I typed out a text
But got lost in our old conversations instead
A graveyard of memories but I stay indoors
And try to delete everything that you ignored
The Breakfast Club
Meets next to my bed
When that tape is over
I’ll put the next in
And watching it until I can feel my eyes shutting
And when I wake I’ll watch Good Will Hunting
But I don’t see why
Why I can’t sleep at night
Why the weight behind my eyes
Never lifts
Lake Michigan’s a gift
It keeps on giving
I don’t know what of me is still living
The nearest good hospital is two hours away
Long enough to make a stupid mistake
Isn’t it imaginative?
Aren’t you bored?
Do you think I could hurt myself
With the TV Cord?
Elle Pugh is a writer from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. She is pursuing a career in television writing