“Give Me the Quiet Wind” by Alex McCullough
Give me the quiet wind
of a vacant lawn,
and a street drowned
in the floods of teary hope.
Give me the quiet wind
of a state enmeshed,
quelling violent fires they
witness round the globe.
Give me the quiet wind
of much kinder rain,
without runoff imbued
with anger and hate.
Give me the quiet wind
of a stage for all
to sing their voices raw
with joy, and yet, if
there's a quieter wind,
will we even hear
when the storm robs us of
our joy, and our hope?
Will the wind silence the
cries of strife and pain
from those who didn't know?
Will it drown us too?
If there's a quiet wind,
will we even care?
Or will the pounding hail
miss us just enough?
Give me the quiet wind
so I may forget
that even cheery storms kill.
They do, they will.
Alex McCullough is a rising U-M sophomore from Toledo, Ohio, and is pursuing a major in English and a minor in Spanish. In his free time, he enjoys reading (and buying way too many) books, playing piano poorly, scream-singing in the car, and writing.